Thanksgiving 2020
Thanksgiving. The ‘forgotten’ holiday. Forgotten? What does that mean? Many American families make green bean casserole every year, there are pumpkin pies, cranberries, all sorts of yummy food. How could it be forgotten? And what about all the pumpkin spice goodies that show up around this time? When I say forgotten, I am not saying that it somehow disappeared off the calendar which, it has not. I am speaking to how there is little emphasis on this holiday. Just look at the stores around this time of year. It goes directly from Halloween to Christmas in a matter of days. You have to search for anything that can be used for your Thanksgiving decor.
Some would point to all the recent controversy over the origins of this holiday as reason enough to literally take it off the calendar. However, that is a topic that’s better suited for a well-researched paper. This is a blog post, and I don’t want to cause the whole table to erupt into a fight before the mashed potatoes are passed! The fact that Thanksgiving is not really commercialized is, in my opinion, a good thing. We can focus on the time as an opportunity to gather as friends and family and enjoy a hefty slice of pumpkin pie. It’s a good time to reflect on what is truly important in your life and to give thanks for those blessings. I’m not saying everybody should observe Thanksgiving. It’s a matter of personal choice if you want to or not. However, 2020 has been a stressful year for everyone. With the world in a state of alert and mandatory masks, everyone’s mental health is taking a hit.
I would propose that we try and use Thanksgiving as a time to take a step back from our negative thoughts and focus on some family time and reflection. Maybe write down or discuss what your family has to be thankful for this year. Perhaps start some new traditions to mix things up such as trying a new recipe, going out to eat if it is possible in your area or even watching a movie online. If getting together physically is not possible, video chat with friends and family on the day. Your family not on the best of terms? Gather with your friends and have fun with them. Think of ways to de-stress and focus on the positive things in your life. The day is for you to decide what to do with it and what you want to get out of it.