Something to Snack On

Primrose Bloggins
2 min readNov 14, 2020


Snacks, fun, tasty and easy to eat seem to be a basic food group of college students. Don’t worry, I am not here to talk about diet and why you should be careful. That is for New-Year’s resolutions. Instead, I am here to list out why snacks are the perfect way to break the ice and start short conversations.

1-They are cheep

Yep, they are easy on the eyes and light on the pocket. For instance, a variety pack of chips runs about 7 to 10 bucks. A mixed bag of fun sized candy is a bit more in price, $10 to $20, but that’s not bad considering that it is going to be shared among many people. There is also the option of getting something a bit healthier like fruit snacks or similar.

If you want to be even healthier, you could package baggies of grapes. But this is pandemic season, so maybe wait on that…

2-Universal appeal:

There is no question that snacks are a universal thing (at least in the U.S.). They are common and usually well received. As long as it is something that is not completely out there, like fried grasshoppers, it will get snatched up fast. It also brings out that nostalgic feeling of childhood and getting a treat.

3-Conversation Starter:

“Yum! Snicker bars, I love those.” “Nice, I like Reece’s pieces.”

There, a simple conversation has begun. Now you can continue it: get each other’s names, what your majors are, why you are at this school, etc. You might even run into each other again and continue the conversation. A whole connection can form from just a simple snack.

4-Easy Promotion:

Got a department, club, or service that you want to draw more attention to? Set out a bucket/bowl of pre-packaged snacks. Watch people come over to chat with you, ask why you are out here, etc. It helps to spread the word and draw interest.

5-You meet people that you otherwise never interact with:

People from other parts of campus, if they see snacks, will likely come over and start chatting with you. It’s a great way to interact and branch out.


There you have it, a list of reasons why snacks are the perfect way to draw college students closer together with little effort. I hope this gives you some ideas about how to better utilize this tasty commodity to your advantage, and if you are shy or just have a hard time with small talk like me, a way to make some friends.



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