Blog, Sweet Blog

Primrose Bloggins
2 min readSep 18, 2020


When I was first introduced to blogging, it was a weekly assignment for a class. The initial thoughts I had were along the following lines. What is the purpose of a blog? How do I fit into this? Is it like social media, where constant updates are the norm? A public album of the food I have consumed, the cute animals I find, or those pricey shoes that I can’t afford? Or even just about that lipstick shade that looks and tastes like berries?

Maybe it’s a bit deeper than that. Perhaps it’s my rants about world politics, gossip about the latest celebrity no one will care about in 6 months, or perhaps it’s supposed to be a blurb about that inspiring artist who uses string in their mixed media projects?

I would come to find that a blog is more than the above. Especially since I want to be a serious writer. I am writing to reach people with similar ideas and feelings to my own. I give evidence with my arguments; I allow for people to think for themselves. Sometimes i write to entertain, other times it is to educate others. I want to give my readers quality work; they want to be inspired with guidance and teaching.

My blog is a steppingstone, a place to get noticed by others. It’s a way to build up a portfolio of writing, evidence that I do this out of passion, not pay. I am writing because I care about what I put out, even if it’s only my thoughts and experiences. I am typing out what is in my head to share with others because I want to connect with them. In a word, I am practicing being an author. I am experiencing what it is like to ‘publish’ my work and see it reach an audience.

In a blog I might write about things that I am thinking about, topics that have me deep in thought. I express my imagination through poems, short stories and alike. I talk about topics that interest me, such as a favorite book series, a show I binge watch, people that inspire me and so forth. I have even posted a recipe that was too good not to share I have seen others give advice about where the best coffee is in town, the best bakery, and more.

A blog is a reflection of my wonderous, writers heart and soul, a place to immerse others in my own world of words. I write to make others happy, to make them think and come back for more. Its more than some other social media, it’s my work, my novel I am sharing with the world.



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